fifty fifty fiction awards
firebox fction
Night Train's Fifty-Fifty Fiction Awards Competition is an experiment in helping to keep the short story alive and well. Half of the reading fees we receive for this competition will be used for its administration and for the publication of Night Train. The other half will be awarded to the TOP 5 story writers. By sharing the proceeds of the contest 50/50 with the TOP 5 award winners, we will be providing excellent writers with the opportunity to be well compensated for their work. Competition runs July 1 - September 1, 2002!

You can track the amount of the awards as they grow. Night Train is a non-profit enterprise; at no time will reading fees EVER be used for anything other than publication and administrative costs.
firebox fiction  
In a steam locomotive, the firebox keeps the engine going. At Night Train, we define Firebox Fiction as short short stories of 1,000 words or fewer, bursting with creative fire. If you’ve read our Aesthetic, you know what we like. The challenge of Firebox Fiction is for you to give us what we like in a small container, too hot to hold onto.
Summer 2002 Fifty-Fifty Fiction Award Winners

1st Place ($250): Doug Crandell, "Man Learning Myth, Man Learning Foreplay"
2nd Place ($100): Karen Heuler, "Cookies"
3rd Place ($75): Bob Thurber, "Simple Decoration"
4th Place ($50): Nancy Ludmerer, "Eavesdropping"
5th Place ($25): Didi Wood, "Remedies"

All of the above stories will appear in Night Train Issue 2.

Summer 2002 Fifty-Fifty Fiction Award Finalists

Peggy Barnes, "I Come to the Garden Alone"
Ron Currie, "Not Drinking, Not Driving"
Diane Dees, "War Stories"
Stephen Gibson, "The End of Civilization"
Eugenia Gratto, "Siamese"
Karen Heuler, "Sisters"
Ruth Moon Kempher, "Dreams and Conversations with Madam X"
Ken Kottka, "The Blossom"
Beverly Lucey, "Mrs. Mitts"
Janet McGowan, "Skinned"
David Morrison, "Courtship 1979"
Jill Mountain, "Mourning Coffee"
Wendy Ortiz, "What Is"
Jim Ruland, "Previous Adventures of Popeye the Sailor"
Gary Schanbacher, "Miscalculations"
James Irwin Simpson, "Eduardo Tends The Garden"
Sybil Smith, "Swimming to Shore"
Steve Sund, "Drifting"
Bruce Taylor, "The Second Person"
Bob Thurber, "Entry Level"

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