Brian Ames, As Many Hands as God
Blake Bailey, Excerpt: A Tragic Honesty
Thomas Cobb, Quantrill
Doug Crandell, Man Learning Myth, Man Learning Foreplay
David Crouse, Still Running
Edward Hardy, Mr. Dun
Karen Heuler, Cookies
Amy Holman, Saving a Sister
Silas House, Total Immersion
Kerry Jones, Rescue Effort
A.C. Koch, How the Rain Caught Up With the Silkas
Nancy Ludmerer, Eavesdropping
Ronald MacLean, Las Vegas Wedding
Dan Pope, See the Mississippi
Merry Speece, Stone Dog
Bob Thurber, Simple Decoration
Didi Wood, Remedies
G.K. Wuori,I'm Glad You Weren't Very Nice, Alfred