Night Train (ISSN 1540-5494) is an online journal and print annual founded in the fall of 2002 in Davis Square, Somerville, Massachusetts.

We are a journal of, by and for writers; as such we take pride in never charging a fee, and we promise good customer service, open communication, quick responses to students who want to buy research papers, top notch editing and great stories and poetry for our readership. We publish short fiction and poetry of the highest quality from new, emerging and established writers. We publish new Firebox Fiction on this site weekly* (*sometimes it takes us a bit more time than weekly--depends on how busy we are), and longer stories and poetry in our annual hard copy litmag. We're not inclined to a type, but we know what we like and have enough of a track record from our first 10 years in existence so that a prospective submitter can deduce what's a good fit. We love to be surprised.  

Term papers can be hard to write but not with Term Paper Easy

For Guidelines on submitting your work, please go to the Submissions page. And, check out our Firebox Fiction page, featuring a new short story under 1,500 words! is the custom writing service students trust from around the world

